17 May 2017 Programme Tate Exchange Unconference (Day 1 Images)

Tate Exchange Unconference: Wednesday 17 May 10:15 to 17:30 (Day 1)
Digital Making in Arts Curriculum, Practice and Career

Venue: Tate Modern, Tate Exchange, Switch House, Southwark Room, Level 5, London SE1 9TG

This Unconference provides an opportunity for staff, students, sector and industry to discuss and explore the impacts and challenges of new technologies on art, design & performance in curriculum and practice. Staff, students, sector & industry are invited (limited places & RSVP c.follows@arts.ac.uk essential) to join an informal participant-driven discussion which will reflect and build on the experiences of recent Digital Making Art School events at Tate Exchange in February & March 2017 and will question: How we integrate digital making in arts curriculum & practice?

More details here about the events and on the UAL events pages.
See Programme for 19 May 2017 (Day 2)
Student Perspectives from Unconference, Summary of Highlights: Here

Images below by Sabrina Faramarzi

Morning Provocation & Open Discussion Wednesday 17 May (Day 1)

10:15 – 10:30 Registration and coffee
10:30 – 10:40 Chris Follows: Welcome & Overview SEE SLIDES
10:40 - 10:55

Florentine Ruault: (Chelsea BA Fine Art student) How new technologies impact the relationship between the viewer and its surrounding?

10:55 - 11:10

Zoe Forster, (Ryan Tennant, Rose Vinnicombe & Kez Dearmer) Chelsea BA Fine Art students Virtual Reality perspectives of exploring VR at art school

11:10 - 11:45

Jennet Thomas & Alejandro Escobar: (WCA Artist, Tutor, Reader & Camberwell MA Student) -  Staff & Student Collaboration, photogrammetry, processes, ideas & perspectives on PTBM students 'digital opera' at Tate Exchange.

11.45 - 12:00 Coffee
12:00 - 12:45

Patrick Morgan: (Creative director VR projects St.malo.Avenue) HUG OR ROLE Man and Machine working more in partnership rather than divided and industry helping students to move to industry more fluidly.

12:45 - 13:00 Chris Follows: (Digital Learning Manager) Announce Tate Exchange 2018 Digital Maker Collective plans/open call
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch & explore the Tate Exchange who are asking - How can art make a difference to society?


Afternoon Provocation & Open Discussion Wednesday 17 May (Day 1)

14:00 - 14:45

Anna Frants: (New Media artist and curator who co-founded both CYLAND Media Art Lab and the St. Petersburg Art Project) Augmented reality and artistic practice(s) Augmented reality in artistic and curatorial practice(s).

14:45 - 15:30

Heejung Choi & Kayile Ryu: (Chelsea BA Fine Art students) Open Discussion on Fourth Industrial Revolution - Big Data, Virtual Reality and IoT(Interaction)

15:30 – 15:45 Coffee
15:45 - 16:15

Jonathan Armistead: (Artist & technical specialist Camberwell) artists perspectives of relationships between analogue making in art school the 3d workshop relevance to digital practice?

16:15 - 16:30

Chris Follows/UAL OD&M: (CCW Digital Learning Manager) Maker Culture, Open Design & Open Manufacturing: Open discussion about integration and impacts on the curriculum of open practice & design.

16:30 - 17:00 Final Thoughts - Informal Plenary
17:15 End 

We hope to make this event as participant driven, engaging and productive as possible, and unlike a traditional conference we want to avoid long presentations (presentation/provocations 15min MAX) and provide more time for discussion.

We programmed a number of provocations to help support debate.

This event is part of the Digital Making in the Curriculum project, led by CCW Learning, Teaching & Enhancement (CCW-LTE) at Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges of Arts, UAL.

CCW LTE support the Digital Maker Collective a group of artists, designers, staff and students from the University of the Arts London (UAL) who explore emerging digital technologies in arts, education, society and the creative industries.

Long Descriptions:

Florentine Ruault: (Chelsea BA Fine Art student) How new technologies impact the relationship between the viewer and its surrounding? Presentation / Round Table Discussion - I would like to talk about what I've learned so far while developing our projects. I also had the opportunity to reflect on the impact new technologies had on our surrounding environments and relation to art / experience, I would love to develop this topic! #techresearch

Zoe Forster, Ryan Tennant, Rose Vinnicombe & Kez Dearmer (Chelsea BA Fine Art students) Presentation / Round Table Discussion Virtual Reality perspectives of exploring VR at art school #VRarts

Jennet Thomas & Alejandro Escobar: (WCA Staff & Camberwell Student) -  Staff & Student Collaboration, photogrammetry, processes & ideas Presentation / Round Table Discussion - Perspectives on PTBM students 'digital opera' at Tate Exchange using live keying. MA Fine art digital student Alejandro Escobar is doing an Residency at Wimbledon College of Arts. He is developing a project that explores the use of drawing as the main resource for a collaborative Virtual Reality production involving students from different courses. For this, he is also working closely with staff to find new uses for VR within the Curriculum.

Patrick Morgan: (Creative director VR projects St.malo.Avenue & Room One) HUG OR ROLE Presentation / Round Table Discussion - Man and Machine working more in partnership rather than divided and industry helping students to move to industry more fluidly. The talk discusses the shape shifting creative environment from Analogue to digital and how can we think about using technology as an overarching supporter for experiential learning in HE/industry. VR Technology can help speed up the learning process and using AI to feedback and collaborate with.

Anna Frants: (Internationally renowned New Media artist and curator who co-founded both CYLAND Media Art Lab and the St. Petersburg Art Project) Augmented reality and artistic practice(s) Augmented reality in artistic and curatorial practice(s) Presentation / Round Table Discussion - Presentation based on Cyland MediaArtLab recent art: tech show “HYBRIS”. HYBRIS, Monsters and Hybrids in Contemporary Art runs parallel to 57th Venice Biannual starting May 12th, 2017. #AR

Heejung Choi & Kayile Ryu: (Chelsea BA Fine Art students) Open Discussion on Fourth Industrial Revolution - Big Data, Virtual Reality and IoT(Interaction) Presentation / Round Table Discussion - In our society, there are various definitions and involvements of fourth industrial revolution(Big Data, VR, IoT ect...). In this discussion, we are going to re-interpreate(re-define) the topic in our own perspective(for instance- artistic view), and going to debate how we can manage pros and cons of the topic. #FourthIndustrialRevolution #BigData #VirtualReality #IoT

Jonathan Armistead: (Artist & technical specialist Camberwell) Presentation / Round Table Discussion artist’s perspectives of relationships between analogue making in art school 3d workshop spaces and its relevance of digital practice?

Chris Follows/UAL OD&M: (CCW Digital Learning Manager) Presentation / Round Table Discussion Maker Culture, Open Design & Open Manufacturing: Open discussion about integration and impacts on the curricrlum of Open manufacturing a new model of socioeconomic production in which physical objects are produced in an open, collaborative and distributed manner and based on open design and open source principles. Open design is the application of Free and Open Source Software principles to the creation of physical products, machines and systems. Industry 4.0 represents the next phase in the digitization of the manufacturing sector.

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