MySQL Repair / Optimize Tables in phpMyAdmin

MySQL Repair / Optimize Tables in phpMyAdmin

Occasionally the MySQL database may run slower than desired. This issue can be fixed quickly through phpMyAdmin. Original Link here.

Note: Please back up any database on the account before making changes)

  1. Log in to your Just Host cPanel account.
  2. Under the Database Tools click on phpMyAdmin.
  3. On the left will be a list of databases. Select the one to repair/optimize.
  4. This will load all of the tables in your database into the right side. At the bottom of this list, check the "Check All" checkbox.
  5. Just to the right of the Check All link, select the "Repair" option in the drop-down list.
  6. This will list all the tables, with "OK" listed next to them. When this is done, look up to the top of the page and click on the "Structure" tab.
  7. Once the process has finished the page will revert back to step 4.
  8. Click "Check All" again, and then choose "Optimize" in the drop down menu.

Now the process is done!

Many MySQL errors can be fixed by this process. It is recommended to perform these steps frequently to keep any database in good condition.

(Note: If you are using InnoDB as a storage engine, we have noticed an issue regarding database size: For various reasons, it occasionally occurs that memory allocated to a customer for database usage is not released when it is no longer required by the database. This memory does not appear as in use when database size is viewed using phpMyAdmin, but since it is still allocated to the customer account, the server-side administrative tools will include it in calculations of overall database memory usage and determinations of whether or not an account has exceeded the database memory limits specified in the Terms of Service. The easiest way to free this "hidden" memory is to export the database information, completely clear the database, and re-import the information. This will cause phpMyAdmin and the server-side tools to report the actual database usage and prevent account deactivation due to the "hidden" memory usage. The repair/optimize function in phpMyAdmin will not correct this issue. The server-side tools report complete memory usage which is the information required to determine overall performance of the server, and that is why the server-side tools are used to determine usage for ToS compliance purposes. phpMyAdmin does not correctly report all memory usage allocated to the account and is therefore not used for these calculations.

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