Open brief opportunity 2018 - Wellcome Collection's Youth Programme

The Wellcome Collection have invited members of the Digital Maker Collective to submit an idea for a Saturday Studio session in 2018. Saturday Studios take place once a month, with facilitators developing three interactive workshops for young people aged 14-19, that give them an opportunity to try out a new skill in sessions, inspired by Wellcome Collection content. Previous workshops have mainly focused on fine art skills but we’re also keen to hear from people who could deliver scientific, technological or digital workshops linked to Wellcome Collection’s content. The range of creative ways that people within the Collective are using technology look fantastic and the sorts of activities we would love to programme more of in the future.

There is a budget and the deadline for application is Monday 15th January, it would be good to pull a team together and co-write a Digital Maker Collective proposal.

Please let Chris Follows know if you are interested or have any questions 

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