An exploratory study: Universities, Enterprises and Maker Communities in Open Design & Manufacturing across Europe

The University of the Arts London (UAL) Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon (CCW) Digital Maker Collective are really pleased to be part in the ‘Open Design and Manufacturing’ (OD&M) project, a three-year funded European Commission, under the Knowledge Alliances strand of the Erasmus plus programme.

For the OD&M project, CCW staff and students from the Digital Maker Collective and #CCWMakerSpace aim to reflect, align and respond to their experiences of exploring new forms of open making, collaboration and co-creation, mostly outside the formal curricula/college structures. The project provides a fantastic opportunity for UAL and CCW Digital Maker Collective to synergize experiences of open practice and making as well as help create new platforms for open collaboration with leading creative, maker innovators from across Europe and China. 

"Importantly, all these examples show the effort to infuse arts and creativity domains with the making culture, as a viable, more inventive- based alternative to STEM education. Moreover, they highlight a strategic use of makerspaces as places of continuity and meaningful transition across educational levels, where students experience a proximity learning which is particularly relevant for the acquisition of soft skills and key competences for life." (OD&M 2018 report, read more below)

An exploratory study: Universities, Enterprises and Maker Communities in Open Design & Manufacturing across Europe

Read the full report that contains the results of an action-research developed in the context of the OD&M Project. Here: An exploratory study: Universities, Enterprises and Maker Communities in Open Design & Manufacturing across Europe

China, Shanghai Learning Mobility

A group of 19 OD&M consortium participants attended the “Shanghai Learning Mobility Action” between October 16th and 20th to learn how the situation in China is related to the Maker movement and compare it to the European context. Read more here: OD&M Knowledge Alliance in Shanghai (16-20 October 2017)

Read more about each day of the China, Shanghai trip from the perspective of Digital Maker Collective's Chris Follows, who was part of the EU Delegation, Learning Mobility to China, Shanghai part of the Open Design & Manufacturing (OD&M) Project, visiting Universities, Maker Communities, MakerSpaces, Fablabs, Innovation Centres & Local Governments in the China Shanghai, Suzhou & Hangzhou regions.

Day 1: China, Shanghai Learning Mobility, Intro & Visit with our hosts at Tongji University 

Day 2: China, Hangzhou visits with local government, incubators, Universities & enterprises

Day 3: Internal workshop - Towards the co-design of the OD&M Training

Day 4: Suzhou. All day long visits to local governments, universities and makerspaces

Day 5: Institutional meeting with Tongji Dean and University Professors. Focus group for Impact (Internal activity) Wrap up and next steps & experience Shanghai

Below: Chris Follows introducing the work of the Digital Maker Collective community at the conference organized by the Hackerspace Union of Hangzhou 

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