Images: Uniqlo Tate Lates Jan 2018

On Friday 26 January 2018 the Digital Maker Collective were invited to activate the 4th Floor Boiler House, Tate Modern as part of Uniqlo Tate Late event, which this month was programmed in collaboration with the Tate Exchange Associates. 

Image below & Team Tate Lates profiles right: Members of the Digital Maker Collective co-created & delivered the amazing Technological Immersion event, which engaged hundreds of public visitors to get hands on with Digital Maker Collective to explore the role of technology in the arts. Question and rethink virtual and physical space, artificial intelligence, gaming and movement. 

Images Below: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Group

AI group intervention had two interactive installations: The first was a recorded holographic installation that gave a short description of all the various activities being shown by the Digital Makers Collective at the Tate Late event.

The second intervention was a mock robot that directly interacts with the audience initiating a dialogue on technological production and its impact on our lives.'

The Gaming Group

The gaming group activated a selection of participatory activities, each set to spark conversation around gaming. A chance to explore augmented reality gaming scenarios, virtual reality spaces, and a discussion around posing as your own avatar. Image Below: (CF) 

The space was filled by the ambient sounds of gaming and dance music was blended by music producers to explore how music affects the player. Experience, become immersed and discuss gaming.

Image Below: Machine-Mind, EEG Brain Game, interacting with the computer through mind waves 

Image Below: Exploring drawing avatars in virtual reality

Image Below: Movement & Technology Group

The Movement & Technology group tested a prototype, investigating the creation of a system of sensors using Arduino that reacts to movement. This movement is then processed into a random selection of words to create short sentences through programmed algorithms. This work gives nod to the Surrealist’s Automatic Writing techniques with a Digital Maker Collective approach.

Image below: (ZW) Interaction Group

The movement and processing of data is an event that takes place simultaneously to your day to day life. It passes by unnoticed. The data can present information or command technology. There are instances where virtual data extends to physical spaces.

Image below: Interaction Group

The interaction group presented the process and production of physical computing. Inspired by the arcade game structure, our light display made of RGB LED bricks, change colour depending on the different levels of interaction. Through interaction the participants gained an understanding of the complexities of technological production.

About the Digital Maker Collective

Digital Maker Collective are a network of UAL artist, designers, staff & students who regularly participate & lead meet ups, activities, events & live projects. There are over 400+ individuals who are part of our wider network.

The Digital Maker Collective are currently preparing and co-creating a week-long residency at Tate Modern, Tate Exchange 'Arts Work of the Future' 6-11 March 2018. 

If you would like to find out more or get involved in the Digital Maker Collective, please visit the Get Involved page on to find out more. All enquiries: Chris Follows: 07703 887845 oe email

All Images By Kristina Thiele (KT) unless stated otherwise (LW) Zoe Wheeler or (CF) Chris Follows

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