#07-06-2018 DMC Newsletter

Chelsea Maker Space Video Feature:

Hear how important the Collaborative MakerSpace @ChelseaUAL is to members of #artsDMC Digital Maker Collective in co-creation & planning of events like @TateExchange - see here

VR/360 films wanted - black women film makers

The BFI have asked if any members of DMC would like to submit work for this event?

When: Saturday 23rd June.

Titled Testaments: Stories and their Makers, this daylong event will celebrates black women film makers.

Marking the anniversary of Windrush and offering a platform for critical discussion in response to the recent political events, this event will bring Black women film and TV professionals will share their wisdom and experience to succeeding generations and the audience. Presented by Gaylene Gould, BFI Head of Cinemas, guests include curator and archivist June Givanni, producer Nadine Marsh Edwards, BAFTA-nominated documentary filmmaker Dionne Walker and short filmmaker Jenn Nkiru. We are working with People of Colour VR to curate a showcase of VR/ 360 films for this event.

Contact: Interested? email Chris Follows c.follows@arts.ac.uk and we'll put you in touch with the BFI contact and others who expressed an interest from DMC.

Tate Exchange Planning 2018-19 - Theme Movement ...

  • Planning for Tate Exchange 2018-2019 will start in September 2018 and we could be back at Tate Exchange (Tex) from as early as November 2018, however we are not committing to a large event at this stage. Our collaboration with Tate Exchange will be different, we hope to have a more informal ongoing exchange/residency over the year which could include small informal regular interventions as well as the larger events (depending on funding/support).
  • The 18/19 Tex theme we will be Movement and the lead artist for Tate Exchange we will be working with is Tania Bruguera who is the artist commissioned to install the Turbine Hall art work for 2018/19. Start thinking about the Theme and send any ideas you have to c.follows@arts.ac.uk

This Week Meet-ups

Over the summer we will be reducing DMC activities - Chelsea's MakerSpace is also now closed as it is being used for degree show build, the space will be back in September. The Camberwell & Wimbledon spaces are still open and free to use.

Up-Coming Meet-ups/Events

Some members of DMC will be presenting and showcasing immersive work at UAL ‘Digital Edge’ 27th June, Digital Catapult, Euston Road. Attendee sign-up: http://events.arts.ac.uk/event/2018/6/27/UAL-Digital-Edge/ 

External Opportunities:

Tech Week Event AR/VR World - loads free content on how AR & VR is being used by major companies such as Google in ed…;here is the free visitor registration page https://registration.n200.com/survey/01wv80y29h328

Reflection, Evaluation & Reporting Time:

We have a number of DMC evaluation & case study reports on the go which all focus on DMC Tate Exchange & Knowledge Exchange activities, these include:

  • UAL KE Tate Exchange Video Case Study (Jazmin & Chris leading) Deadline 29-05-18 
  • CCW KE Web & Publication DMC/Tate Exchange case study report (Irina & Chris leading) Deadline July 18 
  • Report for OD&M project - Tate Exchange OD&M activities (Rosie & Chris leading on this) Deadline 15 June 
  • Tate Exchange Evaluation Report for Tate due ASAP

All info and newsletter and email communications are posted on http://digitalmakercollective.org

Also keep posted on whats going on with DMC by following the DMC Social channels: Twitter @CCWDigital Instagram: digitalmakercollective and Facebook

Thank you team DMC

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