DMC Newsletter 22nd Feb 2019

DMC Newsletter 22nd Feb 2019 - FINAL PROGRAMME FOR TATE & PRINT

Everything is possible & on track for DMC Tate Exchange 2019. Lets make next week a productive one, time to start enjoying making work together & responding to the social practice provocations set by our partners.

DMC access to the Camberwell Playground:

  • 25th Monday 10-6pm
  • 26th Tuesday 10-6pm
  • 27th Weds 10-7pm (BETA team meeting 11am & LionHeart 2pm)
  • 28th Thursday 10-8pm late open (CRIN meeting 11am)
  • 1st Friday 10-6pm
  • 2nd Saturday 10-4pm

Tate Event: Details to follow

  • 4th Monday 10-6pm Tate Set up day - move kit into Tate
  • 5-10 March Tate Event (10am -6pm)
  • 11th Monday - Move kit out of Tate 10pm

Please go to our new event website and check the programme details for the Action space & the Debate space - the top level programme details as it stands is now fixed and will be sent to Tate to update the website and will go to print. Just the headline programme details/content from the website will be used for the Tate website & printed programme.

We now need to start planning the more detailed activities for each day.

Its really important now that all the DMC member involved in the event Action space start to engage and collaborate with our 3 community partners & the provocations they have set:

BETA UTOPIA: Child Rights International Network

  • We are Earth’s custodians, not its owners
  • What is children's citizenship 
  • Who's watching you
  • A world without borders

COMMON LANGUAGE: LionHeart & Black Thrive

  • WHAT IS DATA? Drawing out truths hidden within facts 
  • YONDER: Exploring accents and dialects 
  • CHATBOT: Playing with speech and syntax 
  • EMOJIS: Unravelling a universal visual language
  • (UN)COVER: Disrupting stereotypes 

Our 3 community partners have brought their specific specialist perspective to the table and DMC, OD&M & Happy Finish will work with them to explore the agendas the communities have identified.

The week in the Action space will work like this:

Tues 5 - Getting to know each other and testing our ideas & collaborations 
Weds 6 - BETA UTOPIA: Child Rights International Network - all the event partners support CRIN and respond to their provocations 
Thurs 7 - COMMON LANGUAGE: LionHeart & Black Thrive - all the event partners support LionHeart & Black Thrive and respond to their provocations 
Fri 8 - Gender Diversity in Creative Tech led by the female members of Digital Maker Collective - all the event partners support DMC and respond to their provocations 
Sat 9 & Sun 10 - BETA JAM - all the BETA Society event partners work together for this mash up weekend as we make sense of the BETA Society event themes explored throughout the week.

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