Submitted by admin on Fri, 12/02/2016 - 13:14
Note: Development and issues are handled on GitHub, and code is synced back to
The Message module is the core of the message stack. It enables logging and displaying system events in a number of different use cases. Events that are recorded over time are sometimes call activity streams. Exportable messages subtypes can be created for different use cases with custom fields and display (view) modes.
Submitted by admin on Sun, 11/27/2016 - 13:00
Submitted by admin on Sun, 11/20/2016 - 15:56
This suite is primarily a set of APIs and tools to improve the developer experience. It also contains a module called the Page Manager whose job is to manage pages. In particular it manages panel pages, but as it grows it will be able to manage far more than just Panels. -
Submitted by admin on Sun, 11/20/2016 - 15:54
File entity provides interfaces for managing files. It also extends the core file entity, allowing files to be fieldable, grouped into types, viewed (using display modes) and formatted using field formatters. File entity integrates with a number of modules, exposing files to Views, Entity API, Token and more. -
Submitted by admin on Sun, 11/20/2016 - 15:53
Submitted by admin on Sun, 11/20/2016 - 15:51
Submitted by admin on Sat, 11/19/2016 - 15:11
Honeypot uses both the honeypot and timestamp methods of deterring spam bots from completing forms on your Drupal site (read more here). These methods are effective against many spam bots, and are not as intrusive as CAPTCHAs or other methods which punish the user -
Submitted by admin on Sat, 11/19/2016 - 15:10
Entity API This module extends the entity API of Drupal core in order to provide a unified way to deal with entities and their properties. Additionally, it provides an entity CRUD controller, which helps simplifying the creation of new entity types.
Submitted by admin on Sat, 11/19/2016 - 14:59
Modules loaded so far: 1. As described in the documentation Drupal 7 allows adding fields to user account pages - what serves as simple way for building user profiles -