#21-05-2018 DMC Newsletter

Quick Updates & Thanks ...

  • Big thanks to all those who came along to the MakerSpace and helped out and/or took part in the filming for the Chelsea video about the Makerspace, we will share the final edit with all those involved in a couple of weeks.
  • There was a meet up by members of the Growing Space Project team last week and there are some interesting developments, the project is part of the EU 'Open Design and Manufacturing (OD&M) UAL  project'. We will post some updates soon about this project, if you are interested in this project then please contact Rosie r.munrokerr@arts.ac.uk
  • Thanks to Florentine Ruault who called a meet-up about how the DMC could explore/expand Internationally. We had an interesting discussion and we will be kicking off some new 'DMC Research & Development' activities which will aim to explore new opportunities fro the DMC, International collaboration/satellite communities being the first pilot DMC-R&D activity. 

​"We thought it would be wiser to develop satellite groups with alumni living in different part of the world before starting to work on any projects. For example, the first satellite group could be in Paris. We could form an additional community and also have new members based there." More news on this as it evolves, and next meet up will be mid June.   

  • Members of the DMC Immersive Incubator went along to the first UK Vive X meeting last week, it was a chance to learn more about the world of VR start ups and VR Investment, it was really interesting eve and we got our hands on the latest Vive VR tech - see some images here.
  • Keep posted on whats going on with DMC by following the DMC Social channels: Twitter @CCWDigital Instagram: digitalmakercollective and Facebook
  • There will be a UAL photographer at Chelsea on Thursday who would like to take some Photos of the Chelsea MakerSpace so please get involved if you can in the space. 

This Week Meet-ups

DMC Case Study:
Interested in contributing to the Tate Exchange Knowledge Exchange Case Study report/video/publication?: 

Where: Chelsea MakerSpace 
When: Thursday 24 May 10am – 12pm
Contact: Chris Follows c.follows@arts.ac.uk

  • This is an informal drop-in session to chat about/kick off conversations about producing a DMC case study report of Tate Exchange events, we also hope to make a film documenting what KE activities happened at Tate with interviews - we will be in contact soon with the people who have submitted feedback about taking part in the case study/film. if you haven't already please completed the Tate Exchange feedback & reflections to help inform our next/future DMC work & events. Please complete this form asap: HERE

Creative/Physical Computing Drop in
One to One open drop in session

When & Where: Chelsea MakerSpace, 
When: Thursday 24 May 10am – 12pm
Contact: Grzesiek Sedek (email g.sedek@wimbledon.arts.ac.uk for more details)

  • Grzesiek (Grzesiek Sedek) will be holding a Creative/Physical Computing open drop in session in Chelsea Maker Space  

Up-Coming Meet-ups

Call Out/Meet-ups:

  • We would like to build on the brilliant energy & activity from last term and continue the meet-ups so we can move forward with our future plans - for this we need to keep meeting up and developing projects - please complete this DMC Meet Up - Call Out Form a week in advance of any meet ups.


  • UAL ‘Digital Edge’ 27th June, Digital Catapult, Euston Road.

    On the 27th June UAL will be celebrating innovative digital practices and thinking from around the university. Hosted at the Digital Catapult on Euston Road the event will be a showcase the best of UAL digital activity (making, critiquing, teaching etc) for an audience from across UAL and the creative industries.  

    We would like to submit a DMC session/demo - would be great for DMC to contribute - anyone interested in either a demo or joint presentation please email c.follows@arts.ac.uk asap - a presentation reflecting on what we have been doing & plans for the future may be good at this stage? Thanks Chris

    The events listing and form to propose a session for UAL Digital Edge are now live: Attendee sign-up: http://events.arts.ac.uk/event/2018/6/27/UAL-Digital-Edge/ Propose a session: https://tinyurl.com/digiedge (form will be open for submissions until 31st May)

External Opportunities:

  • Call to participate in FixCamp

FixCamp: a new kind of summer activity camp focusing on big thinking and big making. Inspired by our award-winning learning programme Fixperts, FixCamp will mash-up design, engineering and technology with a whole lot of can-do attitude; it’s set to be a festival of hands-on skills building and creative problem-solving using everything from sticks to drones.

We need a team to help guide and inspire the participants of the camp and we thought that your students and alumni could be a great fit and might be interested in our (paid) Activity Leaders role.

Please see the role description linked here 

The first FixCamp will take place at South Bank Engineering UTC in Brixton over 3 weeks from 23 July to 10 August. We plan to reach over 200 young people aged 9-14 and their families as well as engineers, designers, makers and the local community of Brixton. Please find the flyer attached. FixCamp_Flyer.pdf  (549.78 KB)

Big Picture/Future:

  • Meet-ups: it's important we continue informal meet ups however large or small - please complete this DMC Meet Up - Call Out Form a week in advance of any meet ups.
  • Feedback & case study reports: Over the next couple of months we will be doing a lot of evaluation and case study reporting to help communicate & understand what the DMC is, where its going and increase support

Thank you team DMC

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