What’s Happening Week 23-27 Jan 2017

Less than 20 days until our first Digital Maker event at Tate Exchange so we are in full Tate planning mode from now on, please see below ways to get involved:




Mon 23 Jan
10 - 5pm
A216 Chelsea Projects Space

Virtual Reality Development Day
A great opportunity to explore VR with the others in the Collective, contribute to VR projects being developed for Tate and there will be time to explore the VR kit as you wish (tilt brush etc.) during points through the day. Meet-up lead: Alejandro Escobar

Tues 24 Jan
10 - 5pm
A216 Chelsea Projects Space

A216 open to anyone to come and explore the Tech, arrange meet-ups or plan events for Tate Exchange Meet-up lead: Chris Follows


Weds 25 Jan
12pm to 2pm
Clore Studio at Tate Britain

Prep event for Virtual Reality SymposiaMeet-up lead: Peter Maloney

More Details Here: http://digitalmakercollective.org/node/73

Weds 25 Jan
3pm to 5pm
Tate Modern - Level 5

Important Tate Production Meeting for only those who are decision makers on behalf of a group or project leads should attend this meeting as we will need to cement the shape, tech and all planning. Meet-up lead: Tate Exchange Team & Chris Follows

Thurs 26 Jan
10.30 to 4.30

A216 Chelsea Projects Space

Arduino & physical computing meet-up. Anyone is welcome to come along at any point and discuss potential projects with Daniel. We can work out all the technical details. All the Arduino equipment will be there so if you bring a laptop you can experiment with them. Meet-up lead: Daniel Bandfield


Fri 27 Jan
13.00 - 15.00
(+ extra hour for experimentation)
A216 Chelsea Projects Space

Arduino & physical computing lesson (invite only those working on Tate projects) Daniel will be teaching how to interface arduino with processing. We will be generating animations based on light sensitive circuirts.  . Meet-up lead: Daniel Bandfield



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